The Benefits Cliff

Join our virtual event with United Way of Greater Knoxville to discuss the benefits cliff and East Tennessee Collaborative program.

Join us for a virtual event in partnership with United Way of Greater Knoxville to discuss the benefits cliff and how United Way’s East Tennessee Collaborative (ETC) program helps families reach financial self-sufficiency, independence, and economic mobility.

The benefits cliff occurs when a family’s increased income triggers an abrupt loss of public benefits that outweighs the increase in income, often substantially. Because the value of the family’s increased income is less than the value of the lost benefit(s), the family is left in a worse financial situation.

United Way of Greater Knoxville’s Director of East Tennessee Collaborative, Kaki Reynolds, will lead the conversation. Attendees will receive a better understanding of what the benefits cliff is, an introduction to ETC, and profile testimonials of individuals who are enrolled in the benefits cliff program and are ready for job placement.

Doug Lawyer

VP of Economic Development

Discuss the economic advantages of operating in the Knoxville region.

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