Sase Company

  • Bronze Investor
Contact Information
2475 Stock Creek Blvd, Rockford, TN 37853
Detailed Information

SASE is the industry leader in concrete polishing and preparation equipment and diamond tooling. For 30 years, SASE has served the contractor directly, not through middle men. For 30 years, our team at SASE has built our company and our lives around our contractors. It has been a rewarding experience to know you and your companies and your people.

Our goal is to never let you down, which is why SASE services what it sells. This is not just a tag line. We have built our reputation upon providing unsurpassed customer service and support. Our technical service staff answers all calls and e-mails in a timely manner. When you call, a live person will answer the phone. We are old fashioned that way. While others will tell you that business is not personal, we believe that it is. By knowing our customers well, we can better service our customers. As you would call a friend when in need of support, we want you to call SASE when you are in need of support. Like a good friend, we are always available.

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